December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
November 4, 2008
October 31, 2008
Early bird...

... gets the worm???? Hope so!
I voted today!
It felt so good, too. Couldn't believe the line when we pulled up outside of the County Election Board. Luckily, it moved quickly and we were in and out in about 15 - 20 minutes.
Did I mention that it felt amazing!!! There's just something about having a voice, however small, in such a historic event.
Now... off to wait 'till Tuesday...
October 23, 2008
10 years ago today...
Happy Birthday, Mac!!! I am so proud of the young lady you've become. The world is yours, kid. All yours!!!
I love you,
October 20, 2008
Have you tried geocaching, yet?
Today had us trodding around Oxley Nature Center at Mohawk Park. A great time was had by all!!! We found three caches! A very productive day, not to mention the picnic in the park and the time spent at the playground!
October 18, 2008
(l. to r.: Obama symbol; classic pumpkin face by Mac; witch with missing eye by The Diva; goofy pumpkin face by Mic)
Saggy and missing important body parts because we made these the day before we snapped the pictures so time and chickens had a bit of fun with the big orange veggies. Oh well, we had a blast and they look amazing!
Happy Halloween!!
July 4, 2008
Happy Birthday, Steve!
June 19, 2008
What I've Really Been Doing...
We did that the first two days here. Then we died. Seriously died, people.
Then, we admitted that we are old, and broken, and that, perhaps, we should just take it easy with the DIY because, man, we are going to be doing projects until we (literally) die. I am seriously doubting that either of us will live long enough to actually see it all come to fruition...
I digress...
Confession time. What I've really been doing with my summer:
T lives locally, hell, we even work for the same district, we just never seem to get together as often as we might like. K lives in Texas, but still has family locally. I haven't seen K since my wedding (three years) and haven't seen her kids in four years. Too long!!! Anyway, we all got together with the kids (minus T's almost-two-year-old :( )
Anyway, we had a nice visit and swore that we wouldn't wait that long between visits again. Hopefully, we'll see each other before our kids graduate from high school...
One evening, while Steve and I were perusing our new local Wal-Mart (what? doesn't everyone peruse Wal-Mart when their kids are gone for a few days? It's a hobby, m'kay?), we spotted something even better that Mic could get with his birthday loot... So, last week, I piled him in the car to go Father's Day shopping with me. After an hour or so going around and selecting gifts and cards for the various fathers in his life, I asked him if he'd like to know the real reason I drug him out shopping with me. He looked at me, crooked smile and big ole' baby blues gleaming, a bit puzzled (but ya gotta understand, that's Mic's usual look) and of course said yes.
We get back to the electronics section, I pointed at the box, at which point, he went absolutely insane, chanting, "Who da MAN?!?!!?!" all the way back to the house... and the rest, they say...
June 14, 2008
Absence - explained
We've since moved and to say we have some DIY projects is putting it mildly. See, when you buy a foreclosure, it generally follows that you'll have some work to do simply to get the house habitable. That's an understatement. Habitable it is, and our first "official" night here was Sunday, May 25th. The kids still had three days of school and I had a two-week summer course I signed up to teach which meant a thirty minute commute for that time. We survived it, although it is somewhat of a blur, and we are all now officially on our summer vacation. The best part??? We finally got the tickets for Tom and Joe and they will be here July 22nd for three glorious weeks!!!! Countdown timer is set... 38 days and counting...
While we sit and wait for their arrival, we have plenty to do to pass the time...
When Steve first saw this house, I was at work and he called to tell me the house was great! "It has a *massive* workshop (we didn't know it at the time, but it's 1200 sq ft! bigger than the entire house we were living in!), a two-car carport, but unfortunately, no garage." "Tee-hee", he chuckles with his 'man-friends', recounting that story. Actually, it has *no* workshop, but a very large three-car garage (six cars, because it's two cars deep). Anyway, he's right, because his business calls for a very large workshop, and we definitely want the business to have all the room it needs, right? ($$, please?!?!?!) Although, this project is solely his, it is a project, nonetheless...
Now, this house is only three-bedroom. We *need* four. We will have four. Someday, hopefully, before the kids move out! Above the garage is this
So, back to the stairs (imagination, remember???)... The 'room' pictured above is actually a 'hallway'. See that ugly brown door at the top? That's our front door. When you come in, you're in this hall which connects the house with the garage - I mean workshop. See that wall with the bare wood on the end of it, with the grey strip coming out from the bottom? That used to run the full length of the hallway. Steve's done a bit of demolitioning (is so a word!). This 'room' / hall used to be what we coined the 'creepy closet', a very long, very narrow closet that came off of the bathroom in the master. I was just beginning to love it, never mind that The Diva had decided it was her jungle gym, what with the clothes rods that she could swing on, when poof! it was gone. Oh well, it's a way better use of space and will eventually (notice a time theme, here? I'm using that word a LOT, huh?) net us a larger master bathroom with a shower and room to actually sit on the toilet! See, told ya I have vision!
So, everywhere you look, there's that awful paneling, which all has to be taken off with new sheet rock laid on the walls before we can paint and decorate the bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchen. I promised Mac that she could have a purple room when we moved and I wanted to see what the paneling would look like if we just painted over it, for now. Couldn't be any worse, right? I've started painting her room but have as of yet only painted one coat of primer. It's going to take two of primer and most likely, at least two coats of paint in order to cover that crap. She'll have a purple room, but the rest of us will just have to live with the vinyl for now.
I think I've hit that overwhelming speed bump that has just paralyzed me. I look around and just see so much that needs doing. The plan is to just take it one room at a time. Little by little, we learn a bit about the person (or persons) who lived here before we moved in (way before, as the house was empty for quite a while). Bottom line is they cooked everything in grease and never cleaned - EVER!!!! Not to mention their lack of taste...
On the upside, we absolutely love living out here. We have two acres (no riding lawn mower, yet... ugh!) and more privacy than we could ever imagine. It's so peaceful and quiet and just our little paradise. I love coming home!!!
See, all the way over to those five trees? Ours! All ours!!!
Edited to add:
I can't believe I forgot this!!!! The best thing we've discovered (so far)???? The dining room reeked of cat urine. When I say "reeked" I mean the kind of stench that literally burns the hairs of your nostrils when you inhale. Yes, that bad. So, off to rip up the carpet and pray that whatever is underneath is salvageable. I think it'll do... what do you think???
May 22, 2008
Happy Birthday, Mic!!!

May 4, 2008
In the meantime, if you happen to be going to Blogher, give a gal a hand, will ya?
(there is supposed to be this really cool button over there in my sidebar with a picture of her and her gorgeous son, but I reckon ya have to be smarter than blogger to make that happen, huh??? today is so not my day!)
Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming...
April 16, 2008
No more waiting!!
Our house is tiny. Wait. I don't think you heard me... tiny. There are five of us, sometimes seven, occupying a whole seven hundred square feet. With two cats. To say we are a close family is just a bit too literal for my taste.
We've wanted to move since forever ago. We had hoped that by this summer we would be ready, but things just haven't quite gone the way we had hoped and planned for, so we accepted that it would be another year before we could move. Fine.
A few weeks ago, a friend of mine who I used to work with stopped by school to say hi. She had retired last year and was dabbling in real estate. I promised her that when we were ready, we would definitely enlist her services. When I saw her recently, I promised her that we had not gone with someone else, that actually, we wouldn't be able to move for another year. We chatted a bit, talking about how good the market is for buyers and stuff. She asked what we were looking for, I described it and she told me that she'd have a peek around, see what appeared and if nothing else, we could just make a Saturday afternoon of it, looking at houses that Steve and I could never afford and have a drink or six.
One week later, we were putting an offer on our 'dream' home. Yep. That fast. The house was in the first list she sent us, we had a look and fell in love. My friend sent us to a mortgage broker, we thought, "Sure!" We'll go for giggles and see how fast their heads spin before turning us down.
We were pre-approved for the asking price on the spot. Wha??? Huh???? Yep.
Speeding this up a bit... we didn't get the 'dream' home, but that's ok. Because, it would have been stretching our budget to the absolute max. We knew we wanted to buy a foreclosure because we could get more house for our buck, plus we really want something we can fix up and put ourselves in to. This was the 'nail biting' and 'still waiting' posts (eek! look at that grammar!!! oh well - I'm tired!)
Made an offer on house number two. This house had been on the market for almost a year, had been reduced, so we felt pretty confident. Silly us! Another offer (out of four!) had been accepted just before we put ours in.
By this time, I'm pretty crispy and thinking the hell with it... we had planned to stay here another year, what the hell? I was done.
Sunday night, just as we were going to bed, Steve found a house that looked interesting. The short version is that by lunchtime on Monday, he had seen it and was prepared to make an offer but he wanted me to see it first. I went to have a look after work, fell absolutely in love, as well, and we called our realtor to get the offer ready.
I didn't get my hopes up. What was the point???
Guess what???
Not a very good suspense writer, am I???
We got the house!!! They accepted our offer today, dickered with our earnest money a bit, which we played along. We will be closing on or about the 15th of May!!!!
Here it is...

Now, if you have even the slightest bit of 'good vibe juice' left that you could spare for us, we absolutely HAVE to sell this wonderful house we're living in at the moment :)
April 6, 2008
No news is...
Haven't forgotten about all (2) of you... sittin' there... on the edge of your seats... waiting... waiting... Ok, ok... so you weren't in suspense, but hey! This shall be your reminder that you should be, k??? ;)
Hopefully, news soon!!!!
:: off to go chew on my fingernails a little bit more ::
March 31, 2008
Not that I'm superstitious or anything...
If you chant, would you chant for us, please?
If you worship baby poop green four-door cars on the first and last Monday of the month, would ya throw one in for us, please???
However you ask your "Higher Power" for favors, would ya mind throwin' in an extra-special teensy-eensy favor for me 'n The Limey and all of our offspring, please?
Don't want to jinx it, so I promise... I'll spill the beans (hopefully) soon, m'kay??
Oh... and THANKS!
March 25, 2008
I stand corrected
And today is my One Year Blogiversary!
*I was just going by the post counter in my dashboard. Waaaay down the list of posts, is a draft that I never published (and probably won't, now). It was counted in my number by Blogger, but actually doesn't count towards number of real posts. Thank you, Xbox4NappyRash, for pointing that out, but dude! countin' my archives??? ;) )
March 19, 2008
So Productive (and my 100th post)
Things I planned to do over Spring Break:
1) Clean out all of our closets – mine &
2) Piddle (not the puppy kind) out in the back yard picking up all of the crap the kids dragged out over the winter and getting it ready for the coop and pool.
3) Organize the living room
4) Get the kids’ spring / summer clothes washed and put in dressers / closets and get winter clothes out
5) Catch up on some reading
6) Go visit my sister and parents
7) Get a haircut and ahem… ‘refresh’ my color
8) Catch up on all my shows on the DVR and finally clean-up the damn thing
Things I have done (thus far) over Spring Break:
1) eat myself into oblivion
2) hang out with
3) play on the internet
The kids left Monday morning for vacation with their Dad. Last weekend was our weekend, so we spent the time just hanging out since they were going to be leaving. We won’t see them until next Monday, after school (unless Mic plays his soccer game on Saturday, then we might see them for about an hour). My parents came up on Saturday. Weather was beautiful, so the kids spent a lot of time out side. Sunday, some friends came over for a couple of hours – kids had a blast playing with each other and the adults got in some good chatting time.
We spent most of Monday being slugs because we were so tired from the night before. We ran a couple of errands, came home and collapsed. The webcam arrived and staying out of his way being ever so supportive (because he tends to get a little grumpy after, oh, about the sixth hour of fiddling) until it finally sprang to life. Well, then, we of course had to play around with it which tortured the poor chicks. I don’t yet have my Cheep to English dictionary, but I’m pretty sure they were saying, “Would you two mind? Please leave us alone and Go. To. Bed. already?!?!?!” (because they are English chicks, you know… and they have that knack for telling you to flick off ever-so-politely)
So, after rising at the crack of noon yesterday, we slugged around again waiting for the first three cups of coffee to wake us up, then finally got out for yet more errands (we are the errand-est running people!). One of which was to stop by the health food store to have a poke around. We were in the egg section, scoping out and reading the cartons because that is our new obsession after all… eggs and chickens – I tell ya, it’s never ending excitement around here!
It was cloudy, cold and rained the entire day yesterday, so what else could we do, but stay inside once we got back home (that really sounds pretty stupid and like I’m stating the bleeding obvious when I read that back… oh, well – work with me, m’kay?) So, being the sloths that we are, and since dinner was now approaching the embryonic stage, we headed out to the all-you-can-eat buffet down the street.
I told you I ate myself into oblivion. Came home, collapsed on the bed because I just couldn’t move. At that point, I should have just pulled the covers up over my head and called it a night. But, no. Once I finally felt semi-human again, we watched American Idol (recorded, because really… why would anybody sit through those commercials when you just don’t have to?). I agree with Simon about last night, by the way… they should have just called it ‘good’ last week and let The Beatles rest while the contestants were still on top. Last night really did seem like a mess.
Off to bed, where we inevitably find ourselves laying there and chatting for hours… before we know it, it’s five o’clock. Another day of accomplishing absolutely nothing and not having the sense that God gave a goat to just go to sleep at a reasonable hour.
So, when the slits in our head that house our eyeballs were trying to focus on the clock that read 11:30 this morning, as we were coming to life, I tell
Wrong. Tonight and tomorrow night,
I shouldn’t complain, really… it’s like leading the life of a college kid again, only with stability and a home and (even if it is only a tiny amount) money in the checking account. The best of both worlds.
I’m staring at the bags of clothes I need to go through for Mic and the Diva. So, at least, I’ve moved them inside from storage in the garage. That’s progress, right?????
March 18, 2008
see our chicks LIVE
It should be read as "See our chicks, LIVE!" (long "i") as in "see what our chicks are doing right now, this very minute, in real time", because we (read: Steve) got a new webcam that is just the coolest! You can pan and tilt and zoom and move it around... yes, you! can do all that from the comfort of your easy chair!
Eventually, we'll set it up in the coop (oh! have I not mentioned the coop?? talk about the coolest!?!?!?!), which will become their brooder in the next week or so, as they have just about outgrown the tub they have called home their entire lives (there's that word again...!!).
Anyway... go here to see what they are up to, because (almost) three-week-old chickens are just so fascinating and I know you have absolutely nothing else to do with your time than watch our chicks, right???
March 17, 2008
Can't. Stop.
The linky luv is everywhere! My friend, Mrs. Yammering, has tagged me with a "7 Weird Things About Me Meme". What this means, is that I'm supposed to tell you seven weird things about me, then I have to call out five people to pay-it-forward...
I'll confess here... Mrs. Y actually tagged me last June with what was my first-ever blog tag and should have been my first meme, but being the shy person that I am, I just couldn't muster the confidence to go through with it (if you're not laughing by now, go ahead... no, really!). So, if this "seven things" thing hasn't completely sucked the life outta me, I just might hold up my end of my inaugural meme... we'll see.
1) I really am a very shy person. If ever I'm guilty of thinking myself the center of attention, it's only that I'm thinking people are thinking horrible, rotten things about me. My self-confidence is zero, zilch, nada. Logically, I may know that I a good person and am good at some things, but actually feeling it... well, that's next to impossible for me. Growing up, I was often perceived as a snob, which I always thought a bit funny, as it couldn't have been further from the truth!
2) I am completely repulsed by feet. Yep, repulsed. In a really strange, can't look away from a train wreck sort of way, I can't take my eyes off of them sometimes, either. I should say that I think I have pretty decent feet and I do my best to keep them pretty, especially during summer, when people are most likely to see them. At the same time, I expect that others should do the same. I nearly vomit when I see feet with layers upon layers of dead, scales which are usually partnered with thick, yellow nasty, funky toenails that are only half polished. Don't worry, I'm absolutely positive it is in no way a fetish, I'm sure. And I hate to have mine touched. Even if it's touching in a nice way...
3) I only passed my driving test by two points. Yep. Nearly failed the damn thing. This kinda goes back to #1 somewhat... see, I just knew the test administrator was sitting over thinking awful things about me like, "Why in the hell does she think she's worthy of a driver's license?" or "OMG! She's really got some nerve, coming down here, wasting my time, asking for permission to drive! Fail!" So, I was a wee bit nervous, you could say. I was nearly side-swiped pulling out from parallel parking because I forgot to look in my side mirror to see if anyone was coming. I suppose the fact that I passed is what matters.
4) I have this thing about socks (ask Mrs. Y!). Generally speaking, I have three rules about socks… 1-your socks must match, or at very least coordinate with, your shirt.
5) I always have gum on me, usually in my mouth. I go into a kind of panic if I’m out, so I often stock pile packs and packs of it so that I never run out. I put this one in the ‘weird’ category because, as a teacher, I don’t allow it in my classroom. Hypocrite? Maybe. But, I’m a very polite chewer… often, people don’t even know I’m chewing it. Besides, being the teacher has to have some perks, right?
6) I *have* to lay out clothes for my two youngest kids the night before (not so weird, right?) and for myself. I absolutely will not sleep if I haven’t picked out everything, laid it out just right (over the treadmill – ha!), so that I can swoop it up in my still-asleep stupor on my way out of the bedroom headed to the bathroom. Along with this, I must have my shoes out in the living room so that I do not have to find one single thing in my bedroom in the morning. Mostly, this would be so that I don’t risk waking
7) I have a pen and post-it fetish. Seriously! I am completely and utterly obsessed with finding that just right pen (my quest continues) and I love any and all post-its. I can’t exactly tell you what constitutes the just right pen, as the requirements may change from day to day, project to project. Some days, it’s gel… others it may be rollerball. And, depending on the surface on which the paper I’m writing on is placed, it can get totally changed up. You should so see my desk drawer at school. I can’t bring them home, ‘cuz
Ok… so that’s it. That was harder than I thought it would be! I’m tuckered out and don’t think I can manage the other meme I thought I’d be able to tackle. I promise I’ll get it on my to-do list for another day.
Now, for the five lucky contestants who get to keep it goin’ (If they so chose)…
Magneto Bold Too! (although, she just sorted through a bunch of fodder, so she may be plum worn out with memes)
Canape (who just has tons and tons of spare time lately, what with just having what might quite possibly be the cutest baby on the planet)
WhyMommy (‘cuz, yeah, right… she’s got nothin’ else to do :p)
Skschein (my school bud… who doesn’t actually have her own blog, yet, but certainly has a place to put it and is dipping her toes in slowly!!)
March 14, 2008
Linky LUV
It's called "Links Around the World" and the idea is to help people increase the readership of their blogs, while giving yours a lil' jump, as well.
The instructions:
1. Place your link at the end of the list. If you have more than 1 blog, feel free to add them all here!
2. After placing your blog’s address, you must tag 5 or more bloggers that are not yet on the list, this is to keep the ball rolling. (Please remember to let the bloggers know they've been tagged!)
Now, I tag more people to keep it going:
Candid Yammering
Steve's Journal
There ya go... Hey, BetteJo!!! This was my first tag that I actually followed through on!!! (I was tagged right after I started blogging, but was too much of a virgin to give it a whirl!) You took my "tag cherry" ;)
Have fun, y'all!
March 9, 2008
Itchy. And not the kind that Benadryl or Calamine Lotion will take care of.
That's me today. I don't know why... everything's ok. Nothing's 'festering' or brewing. No major changes.
Maybe it's just the upcoming (and much needed) Spring Break.
:: sigh ::
:: shrug ::
I'll just sit here and scratch. (ew!?!)
March 3, 2008
Chick update
We ended up with ten beautiful little chicks and some very happy kids.
I'll post more of the "birth story" and more recent pics soon, until then, read the exciting conclusion here.
February 28, 2008
Mic got a promotion!!
Mic is turning out to be quite athletic. Much to our surprise, as well, because, well... he's just a bit, shall we say, clumsy??? Which actually doesn't do it justice. Walls and doors are often jumping out right in front of him. He quite easily trips on nothing. Walking sometimes proves to be somewhat of a challenge (and no, there's nothing wrong with him developmentally, he's just a klutz!) But put a ball or a rope in front of him and watch it all come together!!!
This year, he not only raised the most money of everyone in the entire school (pre-k thru fifth grade), but he also jumped the most consecutive jumps as anyone else, too!!! Mic raised $165 in honor of his PaPa who has heart trouble and he jumped one hundred times in a row!!
For raising the money, he will get oodles of cheap, useless prizes that are just heaven to a six-year-old boy. (don't get me wrong, there are some pretty cool looking pieces of plastic on the awards sheet, just nothing that probably cost the AHA much dough, naturally!) And, for doing the most jumps, he received the honor of being the PE teacher for a whole day - "Mom! I even get to tell the fifth-graders what to do!!!!"
Yesterday morning, he got all suited up in his "gear" (he picked out what looks the most like what Miss G - the PE teacher - wears), primped himself in front of the full-length mirror and set off to be a teacher for the day. All of the kids had to call him "Mr. Mic's-last-name" while they were in PE class. AND, he came home with a WHISTLE around his neck!!!!
What more could a little boy wish for??? I'd say he'll be beaming for quite a while to come...
Our Chicks
We'd all be a little surprised if this hadn't already happened...

to watch the remaining eggs, click here
February 27, 2008
the chicks are hatching
Updates can be found here
February 14, 2008
I hope everyone received the gifts they love to receive on this day. I certainly did!!! My dear hubby just never lets me down. He would admit, however, that the little reminders probably come in really handy!!! As we were watching the kids get their goodies ready to distribute, he just shakes his head, saying, "I just don't get it." Apparently, where he comes from (that sounds funny - like "Ya aren't from around these here parts, is ya?"), V-day just isn't done quite the same as it is here. They 'celebrate', just differently.
And, he is a guy, afterall!
So, I came home to a wonderfully sweet, poignantly written card with a message at the bottom to look in the fridge (yes, folks... he even created a mini-scavenger hunt for me!!!). mmmmmmmmmm - A box full of yummy Belgian chocolates!!! Does he know me, or what???
The kids came home on a major sugar-high. They are off with their Dad for the school's monthly Skate Night. Here's hoping they get most of that glucose-induced energy out so that when they get home, bedtime won't be so much of a hassle.
All in all, I couldn't have asked for a better one... how about you? How was your Valentine's Day?
February 13, 2008
February 6, 2008
January 28, 2008
Five years ago today...
The Diva has been a Diva from day one. She was my "surprise" (we all have one of those, right??). I had no idea my life was even missing something, until the day I met her. She's been a feisty one, that girl, from the get-go, causing me bedrest, my first ever-in-my-life surgery and a multitude of 'gifts', too many to mention.
I never knew how much I needed her and I can't imagine my life without her.
Happy Birthday, Diva! We love you!!!

January 26, 2008
A couple of months ago, when his big sister was knighted, my son had a minor meltdown. You see, being Knighted at their elementary school is a big, major deal. As I've described before, it's very similar to a Student-of-the-Month recognition. An 'actual' knight comes to the school and does a presentation during the assembly which is centered around the kids who have been chosen for that month. Each month, two 'knightly virtues' are identified, and each grade, first thru fifth, selects (usually) two girls and two boys who have demonstrated the characteristics particular for that month. A kid can only be knighted once each school year.
The teachers contact the parents early in the week to let us know our child will be knighted. The kids don't know who has been selected until their names are announced at the assembly that day. This is an event we all take off work for and Grandma and Papa make the 45 minute drive up to attend the assembly. When the kids file in as the assembly is getting started, all of the kids yet to be knighted for the year survey the section of folding chairs reserved for 'guests' to see if their posse is there, as that's a pretty good indication they have been chosen.
Rewind a couple of months... it was Mac's turn. The days before 'Knight Life', as the assembly is called at the school, Mic is full of hope that this will be his month. I get regular reports of how he has shown "-(insert knightly virtue of the month here)-
Mac goes on to receive her honors, and after the ceremonies, I see my extremely disappointed son just trying to hold it together to be a 'big boy' in front of his mates. As much as I knew I probably shouldn't have, I go over to him, at which point he's really being a big boy... but I could tell he was just bursting inside. So, I said something mundane, probably like, "See ya at home" and went on. I glance back to see his eyes, red and tear-filled, looking sadly at me, saying, "Mommy, please come back." I did, and he just melted into me, letting it all go. That was it. He wouldn't remove his face from my hip. It was all over... he just *knew* it was his time, and it wasn't. So, of course, I babied him, after singing major praises to Mac, who handles these things with such grace... she really makes me proud, that one! Since school was almost out for the day, we decided to go ahead and check the three of them out and miss the mayhem of traffic that comes with the last bell at their school.
His teacher didn't have any idea that he was even upset, let alone crying. So, when I went to the room to gather his things, she asked if everything was ok. I told her what had happened, and she was sad for him... we laughed it off, I got his stuff and left. I should say here, that his teacher is amazing!!! She has a disproportionate number of boys to girls in her class, and also, since she is special ed certified, has probably more than her share of special needs kids, too. She has the patience of Job, that woman!!! Ever so supportive and proud of Mic on a daily basis. She adores him, even tho he has his challenging moments. I suppose he's normal, tho... for a first-grader :)
I'm sure you can see where this is going... yep, this was his month. His teacher sent me the nicest email about him earlier this week, explaining that him being upset when he didn't get it had absolutely nothing to do with her choosing him this month. The virtues they were honoring were Responsibility and Flexibility. An excerpt from her email...
"I didn’t make this decision because he was upset last month. I made this decision because he is responsible with his homework, daily work and his interactions with his peers, myself and other teachers. He is also flexible about helping other students and adjusting to change in our classroom and schedule. He never whines or complains. He is still a little talkative but his doing considerably better. I know I can trust and rely on Mic. You have a very smart and mature son. Hope to see you at the Knighting assembly."
So, in case you can't tell... I'm just a little bit proud :) Hey, Mic... this one's all yours!!!!
He said to me, afterward, "Mom, that felt so cool on my shoulder!"
January 23, 2008
What a day
It's a bit of a mixed day, today. We just received news that a friend of the family passed away, hours ago. Shawn was a friend of my older sister growing up. She and her family moved away, I think during junior high. Time passes, friends grow apart, lose touch. But the pain smacks you in the face when something like this happens.
Shawn fought and beat breast cancer eleven years ago. Little did she know, it was hiding and growing. (I should say here, that the cancer WhyMommy is kicking is IBC, a different type to this) To the point that when they finally discovered it again, it really was too late. She fought hard to the end, though.
It's just wrong. Sad. Shouldn't happen. She was too young... there is way too much she still needed to see from her children (all still in school, teenagers). And on this, of all days... when I'm so elated for WhyMommy, yet so sad for my sister's friend (again!).
When will it stop?
January 21, 2008
Consider this post a great bit ole' greeting card... wishing all the best to WhyMommy as she goes in for surgery tomorrow. This is a mega-huge deal for her, and for all of us who have cheered, cried, sat silently and laughed with her along the way.
Please, if you don't mind, take a second to send a positive thought, say a prayer, light a candle... whatever it is you may do for these situations... that WhyMommy comes through with flying colors and most of all... clear margins!!!
Best of luck, WhyMommy!!!! We're thinking of you from all over the world :)
January 20, 2008
Happy for my Hubby
I just hope they bury the Giants!!!
Good luck, guys!!!
January 15, 2008
Which came first?
And hopefully sometime, around mid-March (haven't actually purchased said eggs, yet), we'll have some of these.
More to come...