Until then, check out my eye look for my very casual, very staying at home, New Year's Eve eye look...
(usual disclaimers - I was provided this product by Influenster in exchange for posting at least four reviews over the course of the 16 week review period)
Here we are at week ten! My, how time flies! Unfortunately, I had to go into work for a few hours this morning, which meant makeup! So, I thought I'd take advantage of having my face on and snap a few pics of my lovely lashes!
What do you think? I can definitely tell a difference! I'm still on the fence as to whether or not I would spend money on this product, yet. Don't get me wrong, if dropping $139 (price as of right now, on Amazon) on a product such as this doesn't threaten your food budget for the month, as it certainly would mine, then I would most likely recommend it. However, remember that this is a 16 week review, so don't go spending your hard earned cash on my recommendation just yet!
This will most likely be my last update until the end of the review. I'll try to pop a pic up before then, but with the start of school on the fast approaching horizon and us desperately trying to cram as much fun family time into the few weeks we have left, I can't make any promises.
See ya in six (or so) weeks!
I have to admit, I'm about as low maintenance as they come. Ok, truth told, I'm just plain LAZY! Especially during the summer. But, low maintenance be damned... This girl's gotta have her toes "did" for sportin' those Summer sandals (albeit my sandals are really flip flops that no doubt were bought for less than a tenner, five or fifteen years ago).
When I first discovered those Sally Hansen nail strips, I thought I'd hit the nail polish jackpot. Easy application and they stayed on forEVER! Easy Peasey, right? Well, sort of. See, the Sally strips are actual polish (Google the process if you're interested) so, once you open the foil pack they come in, it's use 'em or lose' em. Frugal gal that I am, I can make one strip cover three, sometimes four nails. See where this is going? Waste! At $10 a pop, which I really didn't mind because of the staying power, still, I wanted more!
Enter Jamberry Nail Wraps. The best of all worlds. They satisfy my OCD tendencies (you have to try them to get this part), meet my cheap and lazy qualities all the while providing my piggies with their proper Summer dressing.
Check 'em out at www.gopaintless.jamberrynails.com I promise, I'm not getting anything in return for posting this (I did host an online party that has since wrapped up, so I *really* get nothin'). Amy Everitt is my consultant. I only mention her name because she doesn't know me from Eve and is amazing!
(forgive the state of my feet in the pic... remember *low maintenance *!)
I know I just did the second review of Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum yesterday, but I had to jump in and show off what I saw today...
As I mentioned, during the summer, I rarely wear makeup. With temperatures often topping 95 - 100 or more 'round these parts, applying makeup often turns into an act of futility. It simply melts off the instant you step outside, assuming it stays on that long! However, today being my anniversary (Happy Day, Honey!) along with a *very* rare high temp in the mid-80s (just *unheard of!), I thought I'd make myself somewhat presentable since hubby took me out for dinner.
Short story long... Wowza!! I'm definitely seeing results from using the Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum! Remember, I'm just starting my eighth week which means I'm just about halfway into the review. If this is any indication of the next eight weeks, I'm completely stoked to see the grand finale!!
Impressed, at this point, is an understatement! Watch this page for more updates...
(*"Housekeeping" disclaimers: 1) I was provided the product by Influenster in exchange for posting at least four reviews over the course of the 16 week review period, 2) this is my first attempt at a new avenue of posting, so I'm doing this with crossed fingers that it's not buggared up, and 3) remember, the focus is on the eyelashes... try your best to ignore my shaggy eyebrows, lack of makeup and overall horrendous face :-P Obviously, I had more eye makeup on in the "before" shots, so FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS!)
Oh, and thanks so much for stopping by :-)