That would be me this happy holiday season.
Tom and Joe won't even be here until (hopefully) spring. I didn't even want to get a "family" picture made this year because it would just have two empty spots in it. That's not like me... an opportunity to have even more pictures to slap in frames around the house? Miss it? Nah... never! Yup. My three looked adorable, sweet, deceiving. It just didn't feel right.
Juggling being available for the kids, working, trying to build a business = no money this year. What's new, right? Oh, one funny, tho... guess who got a speeding ticket? Here's a hint: it wasn't me! Mr. "
Jodie, you drive way too fast. Here, you just sit over there in the passenger's seat and be quiet while I set the cruise control on 60 mph. I don't care if we're on the turnpike and the speed limit is 75! Check out my gas mileage graph on my Palm!! Oh, look at yours - down, down, down. Slow down, Darling!!!" had a lil' bit o' lead foot...
in a school zone, no less!!!! Yes, folks, there is a God... and she gave me a well deserved high-five last week, the day he called asking
where in the hell the insurance verification was! I'd laugh harder if it wasn't going to cost us so damn much.
My first Christmas morning without my kids. Without watching their little faces go from all sleepy, gooey, squinty-eyed to Wow!!! in 3.2 flat. Goes with the territory, I suppose. Doesn't mean I have to like it.
I know! How about we just skip Christmas this year. Yeah! I'll go to bed on the 24th, and wake up, and it will be the 26th and it will all be past me.
Maybe we'll get that winter camping get-away afterall...